
Art Moves idea in 4 points:

1. Our festival uses billboards in an innovative way. We change their function and use them NOT to present advertisements, but moving and thought-provoking art. We take our species name – Homo sapiens / Thinking man – very seriously. Therefore, we put great emphasis on deepened thinking, reflection and awareness rising. Thinking is very closely related to us, people. When we change our thinking, deepen our awareness and initiate our reflection, we also change the reality we live in.

2. Our festival encourages both artists and audience to take a good look at themselves and the surrounding reality, for currently, together with rapid economic, social and technological changes, the old system is fading away and the new one has not been clarified yet. So, it is worth considering: what is our point, what is important for us, what do we want our relationships look like? What shape should communities have to allow us to develop and live our own and truly satisfying life?

3. People invented art thousands of years ago. It appeared together with a wonderful feature of the human brain – abstract thinking. Our ancestors were painting on the cave walls to understand themselves and the reality they were living in. We do the same, using contemporary “walls” that are characteristic for our urban landscape. We use both standard billboards, enormous mega-billboards, mobile billboards and electronic street screens.

4. We are changing ourselves individually, but being members of communities we influence their shape. Minor communities influence the bigger ones and this way the whole world… is changing.

We invite you to join us and co-create our festival.

- you can take part in a competition as well as join in the reflection and creation of works of art

- you can become our sponsor

- you can donate any amount of money that will allow us to develop our ideas.

The account number: CREDIT AGRICOLE 88 1940 1076 3017 1264 0000 0000

- you can inform your colleagues, family and friends about our activities and ideas, share it on Facebook, etc.

- you can watch us

- you can become our media patron or partner

- you can think positively about us

- if you have any other ideas, write to us!


Galeria Rusz/Rusz Foundation is the initiator and organizer of Art Moves Festival.